This Site uses Cookies, if you continues to browse this site, you are consenting of this site to use Cookies.
What is Cookies ?
Cookies are small files stored on your computer through your Web Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari etc. Cookies are created whenever you browse a site that uses cookies to remember things about you like preferences, history or keeping you logged in for the next time you visit the site again.
Cookies might be stored till your browser is open or can stored till the extended period of time might be for years. Cookies has nothing to do with privacy threat, they can only be used to store information that the user has volunteered or that web server already has.
This Sites Usage
This Site usage Cookies for various reason:-
- Maintaining your preferences you have set for Blogger offering by Google.
- Through Analytic it allows to determine the usage of the site which can always help to improve the working of the site.
- Advertising Cookies (possibly third party), if this site displays advertisements, cookies might have set by the advertisers to filter who has viewed advertisements and similar kind of things, this might have set by third party, in that case this site has no ability to read and write such cookies.
- Other cookies set by Google which would help them to improve their services since Blogger is a part of Google Inc.