Sunday's IPL game witness something special, something unique. We have witness many magic shows before where an unknown cricketer become a house hold hero in a matter of 3 hours. That unknown cricketer may gets a unique spot light for sometime but yes they do create news for it. But after a long time I witness one man who changed the fortune on people's curse in real life and that guy's name is Rahul Tewatia. Played 20 matches in IPL for different team he must be aiming to make good bucks for his own and if luck favors, to represent India like many. However for players like him, their concentration is to keep the IPL contract intact rather then thinking something big something impossible at this point of time.
Social media, specially twitter has got a unique connection between Sports and its users. Mostly a noob expert too sometime made some expert advise which they sometime not able to apply on themselves. Tewatia who were playing a inning favor to Punjab got to turned the table in 18 over when he converted all the curse of social media into a power pack episode and hit 5 sixes in a over. Yes social media and twitter applauded the magic of Tewatia but it proves everything right about life's unpredictability. How the possible villain of his team if RR loses the game, Tewatia took 5 minutes over to become Hero.
During life's this difficult time when anything is happening in fractions of seconds, Tewatia's inning was a hope and spirit of never give up. Indeed his luck worked but it worked only when he tried and not when he doesn't. What may be running around his head when his bat was not connecting the ball, was he thinking about team, franchisee, twitter trend, well we can't answer that unless some chip or AI technologies develop to capture people's mindset on specific time but for sure whatever he did he did unspeakable and it will be impossible for him to repeat it again.
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